We recently completed an exciting project in partnership with QuitNow, the Ministry of Health, the Specialist Services Committee and Shared Care Committee (Doctors of BC) on identifying barriers and opportunities for enhancing the pathways between clinical care and smoking cessation services in BC. The project was based on extensive engagement of stakeholders including clients who are past or current smokers.
We held a three-part symposia series on Feb 2nd, Feb 11th, and March 4th, 2021 that brought together 67 stakeholders from diverse backgrounds including clients with lived experience in smoking cessation, health care providers, researchers, and representatives from health authorities, the BC Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC. The participants identified key challenges and priorities for enhancing clinical pathways to smoking cessation in BC, such as increasing awareness of tobacco use disorder among health care providers, and strategies to enhance screening and referrals by health care providers to smoking cessation services. In addition, the participants provided recommendations for enhancing the reach and impact of the QuitNow program. The ideas and recommendations will form the basis for future conversations and stakeholder engagement towards a BC-wide interdisciplinary approach to promoting and enhancing smoking cessation in BC.
This symposia series showcased the enthusiasm, expertise, and support for smoking cessation across BC. While many challenges remain in providing quality and equitable smoking cessation services, we are very proud to have led this first-of-its kind stakeholder engagement in BC bringing together clients, smoking cessation experts, and service providers in the province. We look forward to continuing these collaborations and conversation to improve smoking cessation services for British Columbians, and to engaging the research community further to developing and applying innovative methods to surmount these barriers and rigorously evaluate our progress together.
Smoking cessation plays an important role in the care and prevention of COPD. If you are looking for smoking cessation support, please contact one of these services:
- QuitNow
- For local programs in the Vancouver and Fraser regions:
- You can speak to your doctor or pharmacist about the BC Smoking Cessation program, which offers nicotine replacement therapy at no fee for up to 12 weeks.
For questions about this project contact Erin.Shellington@ubc.ca.